Amy! I was scrolling along, nodding my head about the wonders of solo travel and admiring all your glorious photos - when, boom, there I was! Thank you so much for all your kind words! I cannot wait to return the favor and shout about your memoir from the rooftops! Hope we can catch up soon and thank you again, my friend! xx

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Amy, I've never traveled solo but I've longed to and threatened to do it many times. You've inspired me to get my butt out there while I can still move it! Also, thanks for the book rec of Liz's SAD SACKED! I just read her essay Beyond The Grave on Midstory and fell head over heels for her writing. Grabbing that book up fast!

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Traveling solo is one of my favorite things to do. That feeling of doing anything you want whenever you want is priceless. 💜 Tiffany @ The Midst

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What a great read about your journeys both physical and emotional- I loved the accompanying pictures

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Look forward to your posts - a wonderful Sunday tradition!

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