Apr 14Liked by Amy Byrnes

First-time caller, long-time reader: Amy, I LOVE your creative voice and look forward to your posts (& tips) each week. I completely understand the need for structure (and income!) from your day gig, but I hope you keep writing. Please know that your readers & tribe are out here and we're mighty appreciative. [heart]

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Ugh. This, this beautiful piece of poetry made my day. Thank you for that lovely vote of confidence with a big shot of humor and heart. GAH. I appreciate you. Thank you. Thank you.

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Love this. Glad to be on this writing journey with you. The other day, I ran to get afternoon lattes from Starbucks from me and my husband and as I navigated in the front door, I spilled one all over my front vestibule. Latte tradegy made worse when I threw my phone down in exasperation and broke it. It was a very expensive afternoon coffee run.

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A Latte Tragedy in 3 Acts. Am sorry for your loss but also, that's some great content. Love being on this journey with you, too.

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I get you with the structure of corporate. I give thanks for it every day, along with the steady paycheck and benefits. I also love my team.

I want to inspire, influence, and nourish and I want the people who are being inspired and nourished to value my work - in dollars. I've set a goal of 10,000 people. Lofty maybe, but it feels good.

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10K people is more than lofty — it's absolute BALLER. Good for you. I need to channel some of that. Get it.

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Cheers to it adding up like the Dunkin’ points ☕️

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Apr 14Liked by Amy Byrnes

Loved The Half Moon! It was a great audio book 😊

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Oooh, Beth, I've heard the audio is great. Excited to read!

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I have a little caffeine troll too! 😂 loved this post! Can’t wait to catch up in person! xx

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Liz it was SUCH a treat to get to spend time with you IRL! We are NOT letting so much time go by again! xo

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Yes! It was heaven! Let's do it again soon! xox

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Hi Amy,

I was just "exploring" on Substack, looking for other empty-nest substackers (as am I), and found you! I really resonate with your style, and am wondering what your 200-page book is about.

Like you, writing takes up a big portion of my life, but thankfully, I don't rely on it for a living. I have self-published a little book, and can relate to your 3 goals...they are very worthy ones! Still, now I want to be "traditionally published", thus achieving the goal of being "good enough" for a traditional publisher. My book is also written and ready for that goal. But getting there is a daunting task.

I just subscribed and look forward to reading more of your work. Keep writing!

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Amy- This is a great analogy. Your kid's reaction was equally warming. But I suppose that's why this analogy works, because it just sort of applies to many things in life isn't it. Sometimes I don't even realize how far I've gone until I look back and count those steps I took. Perhaps it's a gift that this oversight sometimes happens--how else will being present be possible? :)

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WOW, dedication getting up early every day to write. I find it harder right now to stick to my goals. Keep going. You may not make much money if you publish but the satisfaction is well worth it. We will all read it and come to a book reading.

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I totally feel you on these writing things! I wrote and published my first novel while finishing grad school and while my 5 kids were still all home, and I had a tight ROUTINE. When I was able to not work, and “just write,” I lost the sense of urgency and haven’t published a book since.

*Your Substack is wonderful, so don’t discount it just because it’s not bound with a spine. Still great writing!

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